
1,000,000+ Application sent

Get connected to big tech employees ready to refer you.

Did you know referred applicants are 4 times more likely to get hired? Secure your referral today for a guaranteed resume view and fast-track your way to landing your dream job in tech!


Our work

How does it work?

3 simple steps to get your big tech referral.

1st image

Upload your

Upload your resume
after registering

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From Top
Companies Only

Linkbooster connects
you with someone from your desired company, in a similar role (if available).

3rd image

We Apply for

Send a connection invite
your resume is visible to those you connect with. Wait for their response and you’re all set!


Custom Resumes
for each job

Generates a custom resume and cover letter for each job.


Contact the Hiring

Creates a personalized message to send to the hiring team.


Visa Sponsorship

Filter jobs from companies that sponsor US visas.



The Networker Struggling to connect with people in big tech and tired of cold emailing or direct messaging strangers on LinkedIn? LinkBooster will save you time and link you straight to big tech employees ready to refer you.

The Qualified
Unable to stand out among hundreds of applicants despite having a strong resume? LinkBooster will link you straight to big tech employees who can refer you and guarantee a resume view by recruiters.

The Ghosted
Weeks and months passed and you are not even getting a rejection email? LinkBooster will link you with a referrer and guarantee you a status update of your application at the very least.

If you resonate with any of the personas listed, LinkBooster is for you

Say goodbye to endless networking and ghosted applications.


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